Tribal Neolithic necklace


Vinča script and its secret properties


Tribal Neolithic necklace with Vinča Runic symbols, stoneware tile #12. Stoneware tile has engraved symbols & signs of “Vinča script”, originally found on the pottery and figurines of Neolithic culture Vinča in Serbia (lasted during 6th & 5th millennium BC). Vinča culture existed on the territory of Serbia and the Central Balkans, and the signs were systematized by Paleolinguist Radivoje Pešić.


The oldest known world script


Hidden behind the history written by the victors

Arrived to our days thanks to its incredible meanings, Vinča script is the only known Script still in use, even if in a modern, modified version. Capable to adapt to new times, this script preserves one of the deepest world’s heritage showing till our days the connection between humans and Nature. Each sign has a powerful  meaning and influence. Discover it together with us!

Protective Tribal

Prehistoric protective tribal necklace with Vinča Runic symbols #25.

Survival Prehistoric


Prehistoric Sling! Essential for survival of our prehistoric ancestors. 

Coming Soon > Personal Power


Professional Power is the fourth group of items for professional power area.

Coming Soon > Business & Social Influence


If you are dealing with people, in communication, these items are ideal for you.

Two new collections 2019 Coming Soon


Modern times requires to be adequately prepared for different people and situations. To manage that, we need to react in time and adequately to both. That's why Prehistoric Mojo is bringing to you this new collection for 2019, to help you react, but also act at Your Best POWER!

Business & Social Influence

After protecting yourself, and acting at your best, in different personal growth phases, now we come to Influencing others. This new collection for 2019 will definitely answer to your professional needs and solve many problems you face in your business. Bringing you the incredible value for business and social activities.
Coming Soon